
Puppet Module Basics 2

Adding continuous integration


4 minute read

INTRODUCTION This is part 2 of a series in the (advanced?) basics of Puppet modules. We are going to be covering the use of Travis CI to perform some automated testing using puppet-lint and rspec-puppet. This is a learning experience for me as much as you since it’s my first time using Travis CI (although not my first time using CI tooling). GETTING STARTED If you haven’t checked out Part 1 of this series you should really have a read before proceeding.

Puppet Module Basics 1

Setting up our local testing environment


4 minute read

Introduction I’ve been using Puppet for about 2 years now and have decided to start sharing my thoughts and experiences. I have read many blogs over this time which have helped me get to where I am now, and I’m hoping that I can write down some of the things I have learned so that it may assist others. In particular one of the basics of writing a Puppet module which I think is often glossed over is setting up some decent testing.